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Welcome to my website! I'm delighted to have you here. My passion lies in sharing educational content on Food, Nutrition, Fitness, Habits, and Lifestyle. Feel free to explore the valuable resources I've prepared, including free cheat-sheets and downloadable articles that you can print or share.

One of my primary focuses is on solving weight loss and management challenges. Having personally lost 40kgs at the age of 37 while juggling a full-time job and caring for three kids, I believe I'm well-equipped to assist anyone facing the struggles of being an overweight parent. My dedication to this cause drives me to invest significant time in deep study, research, and practical application.

It's truly humbling to be able to help both women and men become the best versions of themselves. Their inspiring journeys push me to strive harder and continue the meaningful work I do. Despite my roles as a qualified architect, designer, and mom, I manage my time efficiently to balance various businesses and family commitments. Additionally, I always seek out opportunities to enhance my skills and learn new things.

I genuinely hope you find this website and my programs valuable and empowering for your personal journey. If you have any questions or need support, please don't hesitate to reach out. 

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